Since 2022: Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences), Marseille, France —— Aix-Marseille University —— Institut de Recherche sur les Phénomènes Hors-Equilibire (IRPHE)
2021-2022: Postdoctoral researcher, Marseille, France —— Turing Center for Living Systems (CENTURI) —— Centre de Physique Théoriqe de Marseille (CPT) —— Institut de Biologie du Développement de Marseille (IBDM)
2017-2020: Postdoctoral researcher, Marseille, France —— Laboratoire de Mécanique, Modélisation et Procédés Propres (M2P2)
2013-2016: PhD in fluid mechanics, Toulouse, France —— Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (IMFT) —— Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (INPT)
2012-2013: MSc in fluid mechanics, Toulouse France —— Université de Toulouse
2010-2013: Engineering degree in hydraulics and fluid mechanics, Toulouse, France —— ENSEEIHT —— Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, Université de Toulouse (INPT)
Since 2022: Associate Professor, Aix-Marseille University, Department of Mechanics —— Forces and Statics (2022–) —— Forces and Dynamics (2022–) —— Point Mechanics (2022–) —— System Mechanics (2023–)
2013-2016: Teaching assistant, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse —— Introduction to turbulence —— Numerical methods for Partial Derivative Equations (PDE) —— Algorithmic and programming methods —— Finite-volume method —— UNIX environment
Awards and fellowships
2020: Turing Center for Living Systems (CENTURI) postdoctoral fellowship (2 years), Marseille, France
2016: PhD fellowship of the French Ministry of Research (3 years), doctoral school MEGEP (Toulouse, France)
Modeling and simulation of fluid flows —— Inertial and turbulent flows —— Non-inertial / viscous flows —— Fluid-structure interactions —— Complex / active fluids
Other scientific experience
Referee for international scientific journals —— Physical Review Letters —— Physical Review E —— Journal of Fluid Mechanics —— Journal of Computational Physics —— Journal of Fluids and Structures —— Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science —— Applied Ocean Research